I was trying to figure out a way to store my circular needles and remembered a quilt project notebook I had made in the past. So I went searching for something to make the outside with and spotted a felted purse I made but didn't like. Wallah!
Here is what I made...

What a great idea! How did you attach the ziplock bags (they are ziplock, right?)
That is a cool idea! I second the question how did you attach the ziplock bags?
I just sewed them in with my sewing machine. Half the bags on one side(cover) and half on the other(back). Did 2 rows of stitches..
They are zipper type baggies. I put the size on the bag with Sharpie but may make some nicer tags.
I love, love, LOVE your needle case! I have the same needle storage problem, and no clue how to resolve it. I also have a felted bag AND a sewing machine I never use. Hmmmmmmm! =)
Knit Once, Purl Forever
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