My daughter, a beautician, gave me a new GrammaDoo! New color and spikey cut. I love it!

I have never colored my hair before and this is only a temp color but I think I may color with a permanent color with a Brighter red....I was a red head as a youngster.
Darling Ella is all ready for Easter.

She admires herself in the mirror! Too cute.
On the knitting world....or should I say fiber world...

Birdhouse is partly felted.
I also tried my hand at Kool-aid dyeing coming another post.
WOW.. love th enew do.. my moms hair is cut some what like that as well .. she LOVES it.. my sisters are also hairdressers.. they try to keep us looking good ! ..
I LOVE your hair! It's just like my best friend's and she's always trying to talk me into doing something similar...
Isn't kool-aid dying fun? I can't wait to see your pictures. What flavor(s) did you use?
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