I have a new product line available thru my Richmont Direct biz!
If you need printer ink refills, see me first!
My daughter, son-in-law, and 2 granddaughters are coing down for the weekend Aug 5th! Yippee.

Now that Isabelle needs the playpen, I bought one of those little flip sofas for Ella. She will have her own place to sit and a little overnight bed. She has a Dora the Explorer one at home. Who thinks of these things? Why didn't they think of them when I was raising children????
Knitting is sporatic. I can't find my yarn winder and I have this beautiful lace pattern and yarn that I want to start.

Candle Flame Shawl pattern is free at
KnitPicks! I have 2 hanks of Alpaca Cloud yarn in Iris for the project. It is so SOFT!
How do things get lost???? Especially in a small dwelling???