Wednesday, November 09, 2011

Test Knitting

I am test knitting again!  I did some free testing for a couple of designers on Ravelry and now have found my dream designer!  She sends me fantastic yarn and the pattern to test. I send one sock back for pictures, then it comes back to me. The yarn and the items I knit are mine to keep or to sell. She has given me permission to sell the items! I am knitting with some wonderful yarn right now. Skinny Bugga.... merino, cashmere and nylon. mmmmm so wonderful.
I feel so blessed.

Sunday, November 06, 2011

I won!

WOW! I entered a contest at KnitPurlGirl's site to win a set of Knitters Pride interchangeables from WEBS and I won!  It is a set of the Dreamz interchangeables size 4-11, case, cables and connectors. I am so blessed!

Friday, August 26, 2011


Finally after almost 2 years I can finally knit pain free!  I am so thankful to Jesus Christ for healing me!  I have been knitting almost everyday without pain and am tickled pink!  Joy Joy Joy!!!

I picked up an entrelac shawl I started in 2009 and have made much progress on it. I am on my last ball of Lighthouse Waves yarn from Herrschners and need to get some more.  I am debating about driving over there and spending gas money or paying shipping.  :)

Anyway I am a once again happy knitter and checking out again.  ;)

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Spinning but not Knitting

Progress!  I can spin now without pain. I haven't tried knitting for a few months.  Something in the way I hold my needles irritates my wrist.  I am happy that I can spin though. I can get a good stash built up for when my wrist co-operates!

I spun this skein during the SuperBowl!
The color is called Orchard, purchased from A Knitting Duck

be blessed \0/