Monday, May 25, 2009


Wow, I haven't posted in a long time! Life is busy these days as I temporarily moved in with my daughter and son-in-law to babysit my grand daughters. I have not stopped knitting but find rare moments to knit uninterrupted. I bought Barbie Knits and will be doing small scale items to keep the Barbies here dressed! I am currently knitting Mr. Foster from and joined the knitalong. I am also doing the Different Ways to Entrelac knitalong by Gwen Bortner. and of course there are socks on the needles... doing 2 at a time to make them the same.... not as easy task when you might have to drop your knitting to rescue something from a 3 year old!

Someone actually offered to buy my domain name! how cool is that.. but Show me the money! :)