Tuesday, March 22, 2005

My saying for the day

Count your blessings, not your problems!
The Lord is teaching me to be thankful for what I do have. I have a warm, dry house with all the working necessities. It may not be the best of homes but it is ours.

I am having fun with my new PalmOne and downloaded a free Bible! There are some knitting programs too. This PDA is a blessing.

I am going to knitting group this afternoon. Maybe I will get sock #2 finished???

I got RAOK'd yesterday with some more yarn for knitting for charity and a Chibi!!! Thanks Nyxxie!


Dawn said...

Hi Debbie,

I just got a new Palm the other day! I was feeling completely overwhelmed with keeping track of everyone's schedules and my giant planner was a pain. I can't believe I waited so long! It's awesome! Where did you get the Bible?


Unknown said...


Bible 3 demo is free...